Sunday, December 5, 2010

Is it a of course not its a TOAD

During my stay with Karen, Michael and Caleb I was introduced to the Western Leopard Toads that live in their garden in Kirstenhoff. Such amazing critters!!! December 2010

Sani Pass winter 2010

During July Stuart and I had a super day in Lesotho, we atlased four three pentads and 'found' a group of Karoo Scrub-Robin which generated an ORF. Here below some happy snaps of our day

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Red-Headed Quelea

My very latest Garden bird.............

Red-Headed Quelea
Red-Headed Quelea above in winter plumage, looking very drab with little hints of red on their cheeks, full breeding plumage with bright red heads.

Catch up time

Due to very slow download lines I've not kept up with my blog, but have decided its time to update. Here are some exciting snippets from our area during the past few months: Black-Chested Snake-Eagle were seen whilst atlasing down the Nhlavini road on Eland Hill.

A Greater-Double Collared Sunbird nested near our back verendah........ only one chick hatched and fledged on 3rd October, I noticed that the chick returned to the nest every evening for 25 days. Some evenings when the chick returned to the nest it would cover the entrance to the nest with some large feathers.

We discovered this Spottie with her youngsters down at the dam, I just love the 'smile' that she has on her face. This is the first time that I've seen young Spotties on our farm.
A delightful pair of Spectacled Weaver have nested in our garden. Here is some nest building going on.

A pair of YBK have set up home in a tree near our garden, they raised two chicks, very often I saw them feasting on young Red-eyed Doves.

Trip to Aliwal North

Trip to Aliwal North
Stunning sandstone formations between Elliot and Barkley East

Kramberg Mountain Aliwal North

Kramberg Mountain Aliwal North
Wow the rock formations on Kramberg are amazing